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2025 RUN(317) Indianapolis, IN 46203 US

Flag Warning System - Severe Weather Protocol


Your safety is our top priority.  We continuously monitor the forecast and send out additional communication as needed leading up to the race and on race day. Please familiarize yourself with our Flag Warning System. It is very important that you know what the flags mean.

What do the colored flags mean?

Colored flags will be located at each mile marker along the course to serve as a communication device to runners advising of weather- or course-related problems. Please pay close attention to these flags on race day! Here is what each color designates: 

GREEN FLAG: GO - Proceed as normal. 

YELLOW FLAG: CAUTION - Slow down, use caution and drink plenty of water due to heat.  

RED FLAG: EXTREME CAUTION - Slow down, use extreme caution and drink plenty of water due to dangerous weather conditions. Timing of the event has stopped and no awards will be issued. But one big post race party will continue!

BLACK FLAG/CANCELLED: Stop! Race has been cancelled due to extreme weather or course emergency. All participants should turn around and head to the finish line or seek shelter. Staff and volunteers will be there to support and direct you.

When weather poises a threat, it is critical that you REALLY SLOW DOWN YOUR PACE, WALK OR ELECT TO NOT PARTICIPATE depending on your personal condition. This is not be a day to push it or try to set a PR. Please listen to your body and drink plenty of water. RUN(317) is meant to be a fun, safe celebration of the (317) so let's keep it that way. As a reminder, there are no refunds for this event. Thank you in advance for your participation and for your cooperation in helping us deliver a safe and exciting race experience 

IF we do start under a Red or Black flag, we will suspend the RUN(317) Beat the Clock and Fastest Male/Female competitions for the that given race, meaning...that race will not count toward the competition. So instead of a 5-race series, the competition would be based off the other 4 races.


- Stay properly hydrated and recognize the early warning signs of heat illness. As a runner, you can prevent heat-related problems from becoming a life-threatening situation. Respect the heat.

- Hydrating properly is important. But be careful; over hydrating can be just as harmful.   

-If you are feeling sick or if you are experiencing a fever on the morning of the race, know that running in the heat will only exacerbate your illness and the symptoms of heat illness. It is advised to NOT run if you are experiencing a fever on race morning -- regardless of the weather conditions. If you become dizzy, nauseated, or have the chills while running, then STOP RUNNING, find shade, and drink water or a fluid replacement drink. If you do not feel better, seek medical help.   

-Heatstroke occurs when the body fails to regulate its own temperature and the body temperature continues to rise. Symptoms of heatstroke include mental changes (such as confusion, delirium, or unconsciousness). Heatstroke is a life-threatening medical emergency, requiring emergency medical treatment. 

-Run in the shade whenever possible and avoid direct sunlight. When you are going to be exposed to the intense rays from the sun, apply at least 30 SPF sunscreen and wear protective eye wear that filters out UVA and UVB rays. Consider wearing a visor that will shade your eyes and skin, but will allow heat to transfer off the top of your head.

-If you have heart or respiratory problems or are on any medications, consult your doctor about running in the heat. In some cases it may be in your best interest to rethink your running strategy on race day, and if there are extreme temperature increases on race day, then consider not running at all. If you have a history of heat stroke/illness, know that you are susceptible for this condition again, so run with extreme caution.   

- Dress accordingly; wear as few clothes as you decently can. Try loose fitting white shorts and a white mesh top to reflect the heat and to permit evaporation. Protect your head from intense sun with a lightweight hat that can breathe. The back of the neck can be protected by the hat/visor or a cotton kerchief.   

-Run with friends so that you can keep an eye on each other's medical status during the event. If you see a runner in distress, then ask for medical assistance.


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