What Is the Streaker Club?
Starting in 2021 we began the Streakers Club as a way to reward our returning participants who register and complete all 5 races and in some cases every single race since 2014. The Streaker Club was born out of the love for our amazing participants with a one of a kind medal and bragging rights. Just ask David Starr and Teresa Hazel who the Founders Club was created for! Do you have what it takes to start a streak of your own?
Starting your streak is singing up and participating with in person or virtually to record a timed result. If you signup and participate in all 5 races for 2 years in a row, your streak will have started! Once you accomplish this, you will be given your streaker medal and 2 charms for those years. Then you can keep your streak going by registering and competing in all 5 races in the coming years!